Organic Thick Rolled Oats
These extra chewy oats retain their texture even after cooking and
produce robust and satisfying hot cereal, cookies, granola and yeast
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Not all oats are created equal! Instant oats are heavily processed. They have less fiber, digest faster, and cause a quicker spike in blood sugar. Groats (whole oat kernels) and steel-cut or Irish oats are less processed, have more fiber, and take a longer time to digest. A specific fiber in oats called beta-glucan can lower both your LDL (bad) cholesterol and your total cholesterol, and keep you regular. Thick rolled oats are the least processed of all oat varieties, so also the healthiest version, and they take a bit longer to cook. Certified organic.
Cooking Instructions:
Using a 2:1 water to oats ratio, bring water and a pinch of salt to a boil. Add the oats and cook for 15-20 minutes or until the oats are tender and the water is absorbed. Let sit off the heat for about 5 additional minutes to finish thickening.