Organic Oats, Regular Rolled
As an excellent source of dietary fiber, iron, and thiamine, rolled oats can be a significant part of a healthy diet, requiring only a small amount to reap the benefits.
Learn More About the Product
Not all oats are created equal! Instant oats are heavily processed. They have less fiber, digest faster, and cause a quicker spike in blood sugar. Groats (whole oat kernels) and steel-cut or Irish oats are less processed, have more fiber, and take a longer time to digest. A specific fiber in oats called beta-glucan can lower both your LDL (bad) cholesterol and your total cholesterol, and keep you regular. Certified organic.
Grown and milled in Canada.
Cooking Instructions
Using a ratio of ½ cup oats to 1 cup water or milk (or broth, or combination thereof), bring the liquid and a pinch of salt to a boil, then add the oats. reduce to a simmer and cook until it’s a thick, even consistency. For this one serving portion, it should take about 5 minutes. Let oatmeal rest off the heat for a few minutes before serving (ideally with butter, maple syrup, and some sort of fresh or dried fruit!)...or eat them raw!